Americaforces is the heart of our world's most advanced military organization. From ground zero, they're a force of nature, a factory on Earth’s most dangerous job. Our American Forces are here to protect our home bases, keep us safe in the future, and ensure this country stays strong through all challenges.
Our空军 has four major divisions: Strategic Defense Staff, Tactical Action Division, Aerospace Maintenance Organization, and Special Operations Force. Each division is a masterpiece of technology and discipline, dedicated to their mission to safeguard our nation's interests.
The head office of our American Forces is the空军部(Air Force Department),a massive hub for command and control. The参谋 Staff leads everything from training recruits to leading operations in high-stakes situations. Our numbers are incredible: 327,452 regular soldiers on the ground and 235,571 military预备役 members.
Let’s keep America strong with our American Forces. Together, we can build a future that no one can fight for. WPS is your official source for the world's most advanced military forces!